My Funda of Life

My funda of life is not meant to be a gyaan rather an expression of how I learnt to deal with life. I would suggest to quickly read all the points once and then dwell over each point, am sure you will find depth in each of them. 

Listing out:

1. Never complain. You don't have that privilege. Look at ways to overcome the hurdles. 

2. If you are high on energy then you are living. Life is meant to be lived with full enthusiasm. 

3. Keep expanding your circle of friends or acquaintance. Never choose to be confined in a small circle. 

4. Consciously choose the hard path. It can be as low key as taking stairs instead of lift. It brings a shift in mindset. 

5. Never settle in a comfort zone. Life is meant to live out of it. 

6. Choose a healthy lifestyle and aim for supreme fitness. 

7. It's alright to fail or be humiliated or be bad in something. Don't live by societies standard of success or failure. Choose to live on your own terms. 

8. You are bound to get into relationships that will turn soar or fail horribly. That's a reality. Accept it and consciously choose to move away from people who hinder your progress or disturb your peace of mind. 

9. Define boundaries. This will ensure that you are not pulled in all directions.

10. Learn to say 'no'. This attribute can be acquired only by practice.

11. Choose a life of progress. Be it your professional or personal space. Life is interesting and fun in growth mindset. 

12. Pain is an abundant source of energy. Use it as a fuel to accomplish your goals. 

13. Have an analytical bent of mind. It's gives you clarity.

14. When you don't know something acknowledge that you don't know. Your mind opens up to learn. 

15. Never accept pre-existing mental models without questioning. Religion, God, Law, country or organizations are intersubjective realities created by mankind for some reason. They may or may not be relevant in the current era or even for an individual. 

16. Life is hard. So be prepared for hardships and struggle.

17. Be brutally honest about yourself. This is the first step in discovering yourself. 

18. Everyone is presented a different question paper. Someone else's answer may not be an appropriate or the right response to your question. 

19. Open up to someone. This is the key step to maturity. 

20. Journal every day. It's helps in understanding yourself deeper and helps to keep you on track. 

21. Express gratitude. You will realize how blessed you are.

22. Be willing to take short term pain for long term gains. 

23. Help someone grow or progress in their life. It feels good to be on the contributing side.

24. Smile. It can lift your mood instantly and create a positive vibe.

25. Be conscious on what you eat. Food can potentially impact thought process. Use it to your advantage.

26. Publicly acknowledge your failures. It's a supremely liberating experience. I have seen K.Balachander do it and range of high profile athletes admit to their shortcomings.

27. At the end of the day, remember to have some fun.

Have a great day 😀 


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