Creative Confidence – Tom Kelley & David Kelley – Review
Creativity is meant for every professional and can be applied even in domain that are hardbound on rules and regulations. The underlying belief that a person is born with creative talents is a myth that needs to be broken and latent creative expressions can be opened up even with advocates, doctors, accountants and range of professional who are hardwired in analytical traits. The crux of the book drives the above-mentioned point right till the end and I must admit there is a compelling nature to the creative potential that David and Kelly desires to crack open. Any successful business needs to strike a sweet spot with respect to three critical components and the same can be understood through the given Venn diagram. While there are plenty of financially well off businesses meeting mostly the 2 components of business and technical viability, it’s the third angle of human factor that provides the necessary fillip to raise as an enterprise. A prime example can be invention of MR...