Convert Kitchen Waste / Wet Waste to Manure

My journey of converting wet waste to manure started way back in April 2018 and since then I have simply converted all the wet waste generated out of my kitchen into manure.

I stay in an apartment in Bangalore and I have had absolutely no problem. Moreover, it’s important that all of us shift to an ecofriendly way of life.

From my side I can do a lot more but this is a small step in that direction.

The method to convert kitchen waste to manure is given below step by step. 

Step 1:

Take a bucket like the one shown below and drill maximum number of holes. The ones in the bottom of the compost bucket is crucial since that’s what drains the black liquid that comes out as a breakdown process

Step 2:

Place the compost bucket in an elevated position like how its shown in the picture. It makes draining a lot easier in comparison to placing it directly on the ground.

Step 3:

Get a dry leaves and cover the inside bottom of the bucket. A small layer of dry leaves will be sufficient, this is to absorb the wet aspect of the breakdown process to a little extent.

Step 4:

Once the above 3 steps are completed then start filling the compost bucket with all the wet waste that gets generated in the kitchens on a everyday basis.

Remember to close the lid of the compost bucket properly. Never keep it open, you are bound to attract rats in that case.

Step 5:

Once in every 3 to 4 days, take a mug of remix powder and fill the top layer of the wet waste. This is to prevent all those flies and smell coming out of it.

Step 6:

In about 5 to 7 days time you will notice maggots coming out of wet waste. Nothing to worry, it’s nature’s way of breaking down wet waste. Initially, they will be small in size and then grow to the size shown in the below image.

Step 7:

Repeat step 4 and 5. Generally, a 300 litre bucket will take 1 to 2 months (based on the amount of cooking at home) to get completely filled.

Don’t use a bucket larger than 300 litre capacity since it would become difficult to shift when required or during the sieving process later down the line.

Step 8:

Once the compost bucket is full, fill the top layer with remix powder and the stop using it for the next 2 months. This time period will let the breakdown process be completed for the entire compost bucket.

By this point in time, make another compost bucket (this will be your 2nd compost bucket) as described in step 1 and repeat the whole process.

Step 9:

After 2 months open the 1st compost bucket, the wet waste would have broken down completely. Now you need two tools – Shovel & Sieve

 Sieve the entire 1st compost bucket into a fresh bin and now you will have the manure ready. You will get manure close to the pictures given below. 

By this point time you will have the 2nd compost bin to be full and so you can reuse the 1st compost bin to repeat the entire process.


·         Avoid items that has a longer duration to breakdown like coconut shell, plastic and other items that are not meant for manure creation

Hope the steps were clear

Let’s pledge to create a green environment.

Save Earth! Save Humanity! More importantly Save Life!


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